Jscrambler invites you to their event

Securing Content and Intellectual Property in OTT Media Delivery

About this event

Never before in History have there been so many Internet and streaming users.

Streaming has grown over 12% during the past few weeks and this growth fuels an already fast-growing OTT industry, which topped $100 billion in revenue in 2019.

As new providers battle with incumbents for market share, customer retention is a top-of-mind concern in OTT. And so is piracy, a major threat to sustainability and compliance that is costing providers over $9 billion in lost revenue.

To increase customer retention, providers are betting on exclusive content and innovative features. In parallel, they are fighting piracy with DRM and forensic watermarking.

These concerns have a common root that needs further attention: JavaScript and HTML5. Because this code is exposed on the client-side, any innovative features can be readily retrieved by competitors. Also, because forensic watermarking often has a JavaScript agent running on the client-side, attackers can tamper with its code to bypass it and leak content with no traceability.

In this free webinar, we will:

- Detail the crucial role of JavaScript and HTML5 in OTT platforms;

- Explore commonly employed solutions to fight piracy in OTT, along with their pitfalls;

- Detail why JavaScript and HTML5 protection is key to help providers fight piracy and keep intellectual property secure;

- Present the recommended JavaScript protection layers for OTT media delivery;

- Demonstrate possible attacks to the exposed JavaScript/HTML5 of an OTT platform and how to prevent them.

By attending this webinar, you will also receive our White Paper on Security in OTT Media Delivery and will be able to directly book a meeting with one of our Application Security Experts.

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    Jscrambler Team Jscrambler


JavaScript Protection and Webpage Monitoring

Jscrambler provides enterprise-grade JavaScript application shielding and webpage real-time monitoring.
With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and resilient to tampering, while also providing complete visibility over DOM tampering and supply chain attacks.