Scope Group invites you to their event

European Supranational Outlook 2021: towards a green safe asset?

About this event

Last year was a turning point for Europe’s supranationals in terms of their evolving mandates and growing activities to address the Covid-19 shock, climate change and sustainable growth. Scope will analyse these changes through its mandate-driven approach and discuss the credit-relevant implications for the EU, EIB, ESM, EBRD and CEB.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Alvise Lennkh Executive Director, Sovereigns @ Scope Ratings

  • Team member
    Matthew Curtin Senior Editor @ Scope Group

  • Guest speaker
    Bernhard Bartels Director, Sovereigns @ Scope Ratings

Scope Group

We are the leading European provider of credit ratings, fund analyses and bespoke solutions for assessing and monitoring risk. Impressum

Unser Veranstaltungsprogramm richtet sich ausschließlich an professionelle Anleger.