FT Longitude invites you to their event

2021 Trends webinar: Top thought leadership predictions for the year ahead


About this event

2021 Trends webinar: Top thought leadership predictions for the year ahead

Each year, we make our thought leadership predictions to help brand, marketing and content teams know where to place their bets for the year ahead.

Reflecting on a year like no other, Longitude co-founders Rob Mitchell and Gareth Lofthouse will talk candidly about what’s changed over the last 12 months with projects director Andrea Semas, and what brands should anticipate in the months to come.

From embracing empathy and borrowing from newsrooms, to halo-effect content and influencing with authenticity, this end-of-year webinar will focus on emerging trends for thought leadership in 2021.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Rob Mitchell Co-founder and CEO, Longitude and Chairman of Thought Leadership Network @ Longitude

  • Team member
    Gareth Lofthouse Co-founder and CRO @ Longitude

  • Guest speaker
    Andrea Semas Delivery & Projects Director @ Longitude

FT Longitude

Webinars from FT Longitude

We harness the power of intelligence with influence to leave a lasting impression on the world of business. With a focus on pioneering thought leadership strategies, we create high-impact campaigns that transform perceptions.