FT Longitude invites you to their event

B2B content in a crisis: How will the model change?


About this event

Redefining thought leadership | How will the model change?


Over recent months, the business world as we know it has changed dramatically. Brands face the fight to remain relevant and leadership teams are being tested like never before.

In a short space of time, we’ve seen a dramatic shift in brands’ approach to B2B content. Frequency has increased and timeframes have compressed as companies seek to get relevant content to market quickly. Timeliness is a challenge - in such a fast-moving situation, being either ahead of events or behind the curve with your messaging is a much greater risk than usual.

So, how will marketing professionals need to change the way they produce thought leadership to remain distinctive and relevant? Watch this online conversation where our panel of experts shared their insight on the following:

  • How leading B2B brands have adapted their marketing and content strategies in response to Covid-19
  • How should you be evolving your thought leadership strategy? What changes to processes and stakeholder engagement are required?
  • Where best to invest when costs and resources are under pressure
  • How will levels of engagement and success be measured? Will new metrics be needed?


Thought Leadership Network

The Thought Leadership Network is a unique membership group that aims to promote thought leadership as both a marketing strategy and a career and provide a forum for practitioners to share ideas and knowledge.

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For more insight, visit thoughtleadershipnetwork.com or visit longitude.co.uk for additional expert perspectives.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Sean Kearns Editor-in-Chief @ Longitude

  • Team member
    Rob Mitchell Co-founder and CEO, Longitude and Chairman of Thought Leadership Network @ Longitude

  • Guest speaker
    Laura Bishop Managing Director, Marketing & Communications, Financial Services @ Accenture

  • Guest speaker
    Áine Bryn Partner, UK Marketing Leader @ Mercer

FT Longitude

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We harness the power of intelligence with influence to leave a lasting impression on the world of business. With a focus on pioneering thought leadership strategies, we create high-impact campaigns that transform perceptions.