Colorado invites you to their event

Online Sales - the future of the automotive sector?

About this event

The Covid-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented change on a global scale for the automotive industry. These new challenges are being driven by four main influences: technological trends, new regulations, high-speed competition and the shift in customers’ needs and behaviours. 

In particular, consumers are now very comfortable with digital channels which will (or already have?) become a permanent feature of many buying cycles, transforming the way brands interact with their customers. 


  • Guillaume Langle: Head of Global Automotive & Mobility Practice - Comdata, part of Konecta Group
  • Nicolas Nowicki: Automotive Partner – KPMG France

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    GL G
    Guillaume Langle Head of Global Automotive & Mobility Practice Leader @ Comdata, now part of Konecta

  • Guest speaker
    NN G
    Nicolas Nowicki Automotive Partner @ KPMG


Colorado Groupe a pour vocation d'accompagner les entreprises et les grands groupes à imaginer et à mettre en œuvre une expérience client simple, efficace, cohérente sur l’ensemble des canaux et plus en phase avec les attentes en profonde mutation du nouveau client numérique.