SEAL Analytical invites you to their event

SEAL Analytical - Seawater Forum


Hosted by

  • Team member
    Sarah McFaul Technical Sales & Compliance Manager @ SEAL Analytical

  • Team member
    Joey Redovich Technical Sales & Product Manager @ SEAL Analytical

  • Team member
    Rachel Timmerman Vice President - Sales & Marketing @ SEAL Analytical

    I have worked for SEAL since 2011 and have a BS in Chemistry. I strive everyday to show our customers that we are the best choice as an analytical partner with high quality products and expertise that is second to none.

  • Team member
    Lalicia Potter President @ SEAL Analytical

  • Guest speaker
    SB G
    Susan Becker ODF Manager/Supervisor/Lead Chemist @ Scripps Institution of Oceanography

  • Guest speaker
    MW G
    Malcolm Woodward Chemical Oceanographer and Head of the PML Nutrient Facility @ Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)

SEAL Analytical

A World Leader in Analyzers For Environmental & Industrial Applications

SEAL Analytical, a Porvair company brand, is a world leader in the design, development, and manufacture of automated Discrete Analyzers, Flow Analyzers, Robotic sample handling and Sample Preparation equipment.