Vendredi invites you to their event

Small Actions, Big Impact : Reducing your environmental Footprint

About this event

Join us to explore practical steps to reduce our environmental impact, gain knowledge for eco-friendly choices, and discover the power of collective action for environmental change. Let's make every day Earth Day!

1. Learn actionable ways to reduce daily environmental impact

2. Gain knowledge and resources for informed eco-friendly choices

3. Discover the power of collective action for environmental change

Looking for easy and simple ways to make high-impact, achievable steps to reduce your carbon footprint and get others to do the same? Join our virtual challenge!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    L'équipe de Vendredi Vendredi

  • Guest speaker
    Ld G
    Louis de de Jabrun 2tonnes

  • Guest speaker
    Pierre-Alix Lloret Cofondateur @ 2tonnes

  • Guest speaker
    PL G
    Pierre-Alix Lloret


Vendredi, c’est la plateforme d’engagement citoyen qui permet à chacun d’avoir un impact positif pour la société dans son travail.

Pour un salarié, faire un Vendredi c’est dédier de quelques heures à plusieurs jours de travail à mettre ses talents au service de l’intérêt général. 

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