RADCOM invites you to their event

5G Orchestration and Service Assurance Operator Survey: Priorities and Platforms


About this event

To monetize investment and meet the strict performance level targets of 5G services, operators will need to implement advanced service assurance capabilities. This webinar presents the key findings and analysis from Heavy Reading’s 5G Orchestration and Service Assurance survey conducted in March 2023, which investigated operators' assurance and orchestration and platform strategies, readiness, and service priorities.

The webinar includes the following topics:

  • Assurance platform strategies
  • Preferred approaches for monetizing 5G slices
  • Business priorities for 5G assurance teams
  • Automated assurance benefits
  • Assurance capabilities that have the greatest impact on 5G service quality


Jim Hodges, Research Director – Cloud and Security, Heavy Reading

Gennady Shenker, Director of Product Management, RADCOM

Marc-Andre Bordeleau, Product Management Sr Director, Juniper

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Radcom Marketing


Automated assurance for 5G networks with AI-driven insights and GenAI applications for ensuring great customer experiences and efficient network operations.