The Omnia Group invites you to their event

Goal Setting Reimagined


About this event

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that life can change on a dime. One day you are happily picking up your morning Starbucks on the way to work; the next you are figuring out what Zoom is while deciding how to create an ergonomic home office space, order your groceries online, and “homeschool” your children. We learned how to deal with uncertainty, be resourceful, and adapt to changing circumstances quickly. We learned from our mistakes and our challenges; we shared our successes and triumphs. The same old resolutions won’t work; it’s time to re-evaluate rather than carry the same objectives forward year after year. That’s why in 2021, let's work together to reimagine our goals and goal-setting process.

Join us for Goal Setting Reimagined as we:

  • Assess our goals from 2020 to create new goals in 2021
  • Talk about new ways to reach goals together while improving communication.
  • Understand how data insight can be used in the goal-setting process

Interested, but unsure if you can make it? No problem. Register now, and we’ll send the on-demand recording and any resources after the webinar.

On-Demand webinars are listed here. Watch them on your own schedule.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Linda Salazar Key Account Manager @ Omnia Group

    My passion is helping people grow. My specialties include designing and delivering live, virtual classes; leveraging Omnia assessments to select and develop employees and leaders; and public service.

  • Team member
    Wendy Sheaffer Chief Product Officer @ The Omnia Group

    I love helping companies harness the power of personality data and behavioral concepts to zero in on the best talent, manage more effectively, and develop strong leaders and individual contributors. By embracing what makes us unique, organizations can build winning cultures.

The Omnia Group

Your People. Discover. Engage. Evolve.

Our simple assessment, tailored reports, and dedicated coaching capabilities empower HR and business leaders to continuously grow, develop, and inspire their workforce. This goes far beyond the hire—we’re a reliable and accessible partner throughout all stages of the employee lifecycle.