COMET invites you to their event

[ITSNT 2021][Showcase] GNSS Academy

About this event

On-demand event

Presentation done at ITSNT 2021 on the 24th of June 2021 during the showcase.

The company

The objective of this Online and Offline Academy is to train Engineers on the GNSS sector full of working opportunities nowadays through the current and future navigation programs and different applications.

Their mission is to build the bridge between engineers and the GNSS Companies. For this, there are 3 different education programs:

1. Young Engineers looking to join the Space Sector through GNSS Programs

2 Engineers engaged with their professional career to deep their Knowledge on GNSS

3. Companies looking for Qualified Engineers already trained

4. Companies looking for key-hand training programs for their engineers

ITSNT information and contact

Information on ITSNT available at

The organization team can be contacted at :

If you want to receive ITSNT news (material availability, events organization announcements...) please send an email to with "ML Registration" as subject.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    CP T
    Comet Pnt COMET PNT

    COMET PNT Coodinator


The Communities of Experts federate the different spheres of expertise used in the space field through networks. Created by CNES in 1998, there are currently 20 communities bringing together more than 3,000 experts from the academic, industrial and institutional fields.