Paystack invites you to their event

Lambda School Africa Pilot Live Q&A

About this event

Learn more about the Lambda School Africa Pilot

We recently announced a partnership with Lambda School to make it possible for 10 Africans to acquire a world-class education in full stack development, for free.

In this live Q&A, we'll share more about the offer, and answer questions such as

  • Who is eligible to apply?
  • How will the finalists be chosen?
  • What is the curriculum?
  • What happens after the program?

And much more!

To apply, go to

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Hosted by

  • Team member
    Paystack Team

  • Guest speaker
    BM G
    Brittany Moss Sr. Program Manager @ Lambda

  • Guest speaker
    JS G
    Jamie Smallwood Lambda School

  • Guest speaker
    TC G
    Tommy Collison Growth @ Lambda School

  • Guest speaker
    AN G
    Aaron Neuenschwander Head of Strategic Partnerships @ Lambda School


Paystack is a modern, secure way for over 200,000 businesses in Africa to collect online and offline payment from anyone, anywhere in the world.