Pimcore invites you to their event

Streamlining Your Tomorrow, Today! Experience first-hand how the Pimcore Copilot can revolutionize the way you work. 

About this event

Are repetitive manual tasks slowing you down?

Looking to optimize your workflow in the Pimcore Backend?

Ready to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence?

Join our exclusive webinar to discover how the Pimcore Copilot can revolutionize your data management, boost efficiency, and accelerate your time to market with real-life cases.

About This Webinar

This webinar will help you understand the concept of the Pimcore Copilot, its various actions, configuration possibilities and enhancement options.

Based on various best practice use cases, we will showcase the capabilities and explain which challenges the Pimcore Copilot can solve.

What You Will Learn

  • General concept. What is the idea behind the Pimcore Copilot.
  • Overview of different action types. What is the difference between the different types, and how can they be used?
  • How can you set up your own actions. What are the configuration possibilities?
  • Best practice showcases. See the Pimcore Copilot in action with exciting, selected actions.

Why Attend?

Background information: Hear from Christian Fasching, VP Product at Pimcore, about where the Pimcore Copilot originated and what real-world problems it can tackle.

Showcases: Patrick Heigl, Product Manager at Pimcore, will demonstrate some best practice use cases to help you better understand why the Pimcore Copilot will revolutionize your work.

Who Should Join?

This webinar is dedicated for product management and marketing departments, editors, consultants, developers and administrators, and every other user of the Pimcore Platform to see what is possible with the Pimcore Copilot. Learn how you can utilize it to achieve operational excellence.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Patrick Heigl Product manager @ Pimcore

  • Team member
    Christian Fasching Pimcore GmbH


The data and experience management revolution.

Pimcore is a software platform for product information management, master data management, customer data management, digital asset management, content management, digital experience management, and digital commerce.

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