Reacfin invites you to their event

Webinar #4 Solvency 2 deferred taxes – legal evolutions

About this event


  1. What are deferred taxes?
  2. What are the attention points for the accounting of deferred taxes in Solvency2?
  3. Overview of the amendments to Solvency 2 and of the NBB Circular about deferred taxes


Deferred taxes are an important lever regarding solvency 2 position. They accounting influence the available capital as well as the solvency capital requirements. In 2020 there were important legal evolutions in this field: amendments to Solvency 2 regulation followed by a new Circular from the National Bank of Belgium (2020_03 about the impact of deferred taxes in Solvency 2).

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Aurélie Miller Director @ Reacfin

  • Team member
    Reacfin Academy

    Reacfin is a consulting firm focused on creating measurable value & results for its clients. Our mission is to develop innovative solutions to manage risks, products, capital & portfolios.


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