Referral Rock invites you to their event

Referral Analytics and Optimization

About this event

(Note: If this time or date doesn't work for you, we'll share the recording with anyone who registers)

Learn how to use referral indicators to understand and improve your referral programs.

We'll cover these referral indicators:

  • Aware - Do people know your program exists?
  • Shares - Are people telling others about your business?
  • Reach - Is what is being shared, getting clicks and resonating?
  • Referrals - Are people converting after being referred?

We'll give a short presentation (followed by a live Q&A session) on:

  • Referral Funnel and Key Indicators
  • Program Analytics (+ new Dashboard)
  • Program Optimizations

You don't have to be a Referral Rock customer to benefit from this webinar as all the advice could be applied to manually running your own referral program, or using another platform.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Mica Longanecker Referral Rock

  • Team member
    Blake Bos Senior Product Designer @ Referral Rock Inc.

Referral Rock

Referral Rock provides online referral marketing automation software for tech, SMBs, e-commerce, and service businesses, automating every step of the referral process to help businesses scale and measure success.