Remotive invites you to their event

Building Remote Customer Success Ops: AMA Session with Queen Joseph, Customer Success Ops Consultant

About this event

Everything you need to know to build and improve your remote customer success and support operation in 2021!

Vic Boano, our Community Manager, will chat with Queen Joseph, Costumer Success Ops Consultant about customer success operations, being your own boss, and much more!

Queen helps set up customer success and support orgs. She specializes in designing organizational workflows and developing systems and processes for customer success and support teams at early-stage and growth SaaS B2B and B2C startups.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    QJ G
    Queen Joseph Customer Success Ops Consultant

  • Team member
    Rodolphe Dutel Founder @ Remotive SARL


The best remote jobs and how to land them.

Remotive helps millions of remote workers by sending tips and listing of remote jobs.