Rener Health Products invites you to their event

"As we age fat loss gets harder - how we can reboot the fat loss process" by Paul Wigger - Brought to you by PC Laboratories

About this event

As we age fat loss gets harder - how we can reboot the fat loss process.

Settle in for seminar magic with Paul from PC Laboratories. The culmination of over a decade of research and experience in the fitness industry specializing in weight loss. Paul breaks down the science, for fat loss at any age, in easy to understand language.

Paul Wigger - BHSc Nutritional Medicine

Paul started his career in the fitness industry as a keen gym-goer and a fan of supplements. However, he was disappointed with the poor service he received at the supplement store he frequented in Perth. This experience inspired him to open his store, where he could provide the high-quality service and products he felt were lacking in the industry.

After running health food and supplement stores for 10 years, and with his background in academia and extensive knowledge of herbal ingredients and supplements, Paul decided to take his passion for helping people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals to the next level.

Paul founded PC Laboratories. Beginning with the 3-Step Fat Loss System. Paul had many customers with a weight loss goal and created the system through extensive research and a fair amount of trial and error.

The 3 Step Fat Loss System has helped thousands of customers reach their weight loss goals and as the first products in the PC Laboratories Range the 3 Step Fat Loss System has been instrumental in establishing the brand PC Laboratories as a health and fitness industry leader.

Customers rave about the personalised service they receive from Paul, and he is often seen with a line of people out the door waiting to speak with him. Paul’s passion for helping people and dedication to providing the best products and advice has made PC Laboratories a go-to range for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness. 

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Rener Health Products Rener Health Products

  • Guest speaker
    PW G
    Paul Wigger CEO @ PC Laboratories

  • Guest speaker
    PW G
    Paul Wigger CEO @ PC Laboratories