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5G RedCap to dominate cellular IoT growth, but when does the door shut for LTE and Unlicensed?

About this event

You're invited to join us for this free live event. Rethink's analysts will introduce the findings of our latest 5G RedCap Market Forecast, and there will be opportunity for audience questions.

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"5G RedCap is poised to become the dominant technology brand for cellular IoT but not until commercial devices are widely available from 2026 onwards. This growth will be at the expense of 2G as that approaches its sunset in various markets, and the various 4G IoT protocols will still account for the majority of connections for the next few years.

5G RedCap’s two variants, standard RedCap and extended RedCap (eRedCap) are projected to account for almost one third of cellular IoT connections by 2030, at 30.17%. Even then the 4G variants will still dominate the field between them."

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Philip Hunter Research Fellow @ Rethink Technology Research

    IMaths background Cambridge University, work in epidemiology, IT, and then technical journalism, now analyst specialising in wireless and associated areas.

  • Team member
    Alex Davies Editor and Senior Analyst @ Rethink Technology Research

    I am leading Rethink TV's forecasting division, as well as our wireless group - which includes Wireless Watch and RAN Research. I was the founding editor and main contributor of Rethink IoT (Riot).

Rethink Research

Forecasting markets which have active disruptive technologies