Rethink Research invites you to their event

Rethink TV | 'Customer Journey Management' forecast to 2026

About this event

The global Customer Support Software market will reach $24.6 billion in 2026, driven by the emergence of new AI-assisted product offerings.  These new, evolved systems promise a glimmer of hope for Triple Play operators, who should see a $3.5 billion annual reduction in churn, attributed to these next-gen software products.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Alex Davies Editor and Senior Analyst @ Rethink Technology Research

    I am leading Rethink TV's forecasting division, as well as writing for Faultline. I was the founding editor and main contributor of Rethink IoT (Riot).

  • Team member
    Roz Hilton Rethink Technology Research

  • Team member
    Rafi Cohen Analyst @ Rethink Technology Research

Rethink Research

Forecasting markets which have active disruptive technologies