SAIF Corporation invites you to their event

Fixing ergonomic problems | Solutions for workplace musculoskeletal problems

About this event

After you have determined and prioritized tasks that have high musculoskeletal risk, the hard part of finding and implementing solutions begins. Navigating the solutions phase can be fraught with unforeseen problems that can lead to frustration, wasted resources, and failure. Many companies spend significant amounts of time and money to improve ergonomics and reduce injury risk only to find out the solution does not work and/or creates more problems. This class will provide participants with strategies and methods on how to develop engineering and administrative controls in a cost effective, timely manner with confidence the solution will work.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    TB G
    Tony Brace Ergonomist @ SAIF

    Tony has been a Certified Professional Ergonomist since 2005 and a Certified Industrial Hygienist since 2015. Over the past 18 years he has worked as an ergonomist for companies such as Intel, Whirlpool and Boeing. Tony now works at SAIF Corporation where he manages the ergonomics outreach program for policyholders. His primary focus areas are on ergonomic program development, solving complex exposures, and making a business case for ergonomic improvements using productivity and quality measures.

SAIF Corporation

SAIF is a not for profit company providing workers comp insurance in the state of Oregon. Our vision is for SAIF to be an industry innovator that makes Oregon the safest place to work. We exist to serve and protect the Oregon workforce, meeting the nee...