SAIF Corporation invites you to their event

Paid Leave Oregon

About this event

Join us for a panel of Paid Leave Oregon speakers to discuss the Paid Leave Oregon Program. Please submit any questions you have prior to the webinar by emailing

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    MT G
    Monica Torres Oregon Employment Department - Paid Leave Oregon

  • Guest speaker
    MW G
    Meghan Wysong Oregon Employment Department - Paid Leave Oregon

  • Guest speaker
    LA G
    Laura Ayala Oregon Employment Department - Paid Leave Oregon

  • Guest speaker
    SA G
    Sarah Ambrose Oregon Employment Department - Paid Leave Oregon

  • Guest speaker
    CG G
    Chris Grace Oregon Employment Department - Paid Leave Oregon

SAIF Corporation

SAIF is a not for profit company providing workers comp insurance in the state of Oregon. Our vision is for SAIF to be an industry innovator that makes Oregon the safest place to work. We exist to serve and protect the Oregon workforce, meeting the nee...