SAIF Corporation invites you to their event

Tools to help employers | A guide to SAIF's resources

About this event

Ever wonder what resources SAIF has to help you create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace? Look no further than this quick overview, which will provide the links to some of our most popular resources and brief descriptions of how they can benefit your organization. For those who like to DIY, this presentation is for you! Consultants will also be on hand to answer any questions about the resources. 

Hosted by

  • Team member
    LM T
    Leigh Manning

  • Guest speaker
    WK G
    Wes Koester Sr Safety Mgmt Consultant @ SAIF

SAIF Corporation

SAIF is a not for profit company providing workers comp insurance in the state of Oregon. Our vision is for SAIF to be an industry innovator that makes Oregon the safest place to work. We exist to serve and protect the Oregon workforce, meeting the nee...