Sava invites you to their event

Non-traditional/Non-standard Housing

About this event

Sava's Lead Practitioner of Surveying & Verification, Anne Hinds BSc(Hons) FRICS, will delve into "non-traditional" and "non-standard" construction for residential properties. In this session, Anne will cover:

  • What we mean by "non-traditional" and "non-standard"
  • Why they were built
  • Why it matters to lenders
  • Why it matters to surveyors and valuers
  • How you can spot them
  • Some examples

Hosted by

  • Team member
    AH T
    Anne Hinds

  • Team member
    HG T
    Hilary Grayson


Making Buildings Better

Sava provides education, technology and professional services to help look after the UK's 29 million homes.