Scope Group invites you to their event

Webinar: US elections – economic implications for the US and EU

About this event

What are the potential economic implications of imminent US elections? And how does the US really compare with the EU?

Join us for this webinar where Alvise Lennkh-Yunus, Head of Sovereign and Public Sector Ratings, will address the vital themes relating to the outcome of forthcoming US elections.

Mario Draghi’s competitiveness report reinforces the narrative that Europe is falling behind. But is that gap really that large and growing? What are the long-term growth drivers of the US and how could these be affected by the elections? What does the outcome mean for the EU? Should investors be concerned?

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Keith Mullin Moderator @ Scope Group

  • Guest speaker
    Alvise Lennkh-Yunus Head of Sovereign and Public Sector @ Scope Ratings

Scope Group

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