SoftWriters invites you to their event

Drug Supply Chain Security Act: What Pharmacies Need to Know


About this event

Are you ready for full implementation of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act?

In this webinar, we continue to dive into the Drug Supply Chain Security Act and how it impacts your pharmacy. We will cover topics such as what the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) is, key requirements pharmacies must follow, and a few options pharmacies have. We'll also review the top criteria for choosing a DSCSA compliance service. 

Come get your DSCSA questions answered and learn how to ensure your pharmacy is in compliance. Our experts will provide valuable insights that could save you time and money while helping you protect the integrity of medication supply chains across the country. 

About InfiniTrak:

InfiniTrak software secures your supply chain with track & trace technology that ensures patient safety, provides electronic transmission required by the FDA and limits the product pulled from your inventory due to recalls.

InfiniTrak is a concept built by the experts at SME Strategy Group to support independent pharmacies and deliver a complete business strategy supported by Information Technology to secure the most vulnerable supply chains through Track & Trace. Our expertise runs a broad gamut from biotechnology, medical devices and pharmaceutical supply chain management to compliance & technology supported by highly qualified Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).


Empower LTC Pharmacy, Save Lives.

SoftWriters is the leading provider of healthcare software solutions to the LTC pharmacy market. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the SoftWriters team has steadily grown over the past 30 years to include both technology experts and pharmacy leaders alike. Our experienced and growing team e