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Long-Term Care After COVID-19: Patients, Prescriptions, and Public Policy


About this event

Featuring Alan Rosenbloom, President & CEO of the Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition

People who need long-term care and services – primarily seniors and younger disabled adults – have always preferred remaining at home to entering a LTC facility. In many cases, services and resources are not available in the community, particularly for those who require assistance from government to obtain long-term care services and support. Despite growing recognition of the value offered by community-based and transition LTC services, government programs – primarily Medicare and Medicaid – have been slow to expand community-based options since the 1990s.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the balance began tipping away from facility-based care, and LTC pharmacies have begun to seize the opportunities offered as more LTC patients were remaining at or returning to home. Once the pandemic abates, the LTC market could reorient toward greater home-based care.

Special guest Alan Rosenbloom discussed the drivers of the shift to greater reliance on LTC-at-home, the opportunities and risks this shift presents for LTC pharmacies, and the degree to which federal public policy may create opportunities or obstacles to thrive in the changing marketplace.

Session Objectives: 

  • Identify market and public policy trends driving growth in home-and-community based LTC services and supports
  • Recognize the implications of COVID-19 on the future of current LTC pharmacy business models
  • Define market opportunities and federal policy imperatives for the future

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Empower LTC Pharmacy, Save Lives.

SoftWriters is the leading provider of healthcare software solutions to the LTC pharmacy market. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the SoftWriters team has steadily grown over the past 30 years to include both technology experts and pharmacy leaders alike. Our experienced and growing team e