SoftWriters invites you to their event

Supporting Skilled Nursing Facility Compliance: Enhancing Your Pharmacy's Value to Clients


About this event

Featuring Lou Ann Brubaker, President of Brubaker Consulting

To be competitive it’s not enough to know your business, you have to know your clients. Over the past 4 years skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) have experienced their greatest regulatory changes in decades.

While COVID-19 altered some of the states’ compliance focus, we’re now back to the new survey process AND the vulnerabilities that come with it.

What are you doing to help? Do you speak the same language that SNFs speak?

Mega Rule, CEPs, the Double G Rule, The Domino Effect, QAPI, facility assessment—there’s a constantly changing lexicon in the skilled world in which your pharmacy should be fluent. And it’s not enough just to know what the acronyms stand for—you have to have an authentic and nuanced understanding of what they mean, their SNF operational impact and how YOU’RE able to provide support. It can drive your initial discussions with prospective clients and current ones.

Whether you’re fairly new to LTC pharmacy or you’d like a refresher, you’ll want to attend this valuable program offering you immediate strategies to demonstrate your value proposition.

Special guest Lou Ann Brubaker is returning to help the audience:

  • Understand how pharmacy is included in the new SNF standard survey process
  • Identify which SNFs will most likely be priorities in recent survey resumption
  • Recognize how to provide regulatory support to facilities via internal pharmacy discussions
  • Define support to SNFs in their quality projects and facility self-assessments

This live webinar has passed, to watch the recording simply fill out the form to the right for immediate access.


Empower LTC Pharmacy, Save Lives.

SoftWriters is the leading provider of healthcare software solutions to the LTC pharmacy market. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the SoftWriters team has steadily grown over the past 30 years to include both technology experts and pharmacy leaders alike. Our experienced and growing team e