SoftWriters invites you to their event

Trends in LTC Pharmacy and Long-Term Care


About this event

Featuring Paul Baldwin, Principal, Baldwin Health Policy Group

The shock wave of COVID-19 continues to shape, stall, and strain many aspects of life as we know it.  And while the scope of the coronavirus damage – emotional, physical, and economic – is still being understood, it’s undoubtedly impacted long-term care both now and for many years to come.

Special guest Paul Baldwin, Principal of Baldwin Health Policy Group, explores the trends in long-term care (LTC) pharmacy, while illuminating how many of the frictions facing LTC were not only pre-existing, but exacerbated by the pandemic.

Paul shares his expertise to help you:

  • Get insights into the COVID-19-related changes to nursing home censuses and pharmacy revenues
  • Examine the changing forces in the LTC pharmacy landscape like new healthcare delivery models entering the sector
  • Discuss the effect of COVID-19 on federal and state policy decision-making
  • Identify LTC trends that may influence marketing of a pharmacy brand and the use of new digital technologies

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Empower LTC Pharmacy, Save Lives.

SoftWriters is the leading provider of healthcare software solutions to the LTC pharmacy market. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the SoftWriters team has steadily grown over the past 30 years to include both technology experts and pharmacy leaders alike. Our experienced and growing team e