SoftWriters invites you to their event

Vax to The Future Webinar


About this event

In the dynamically changing world of healthcare, Long-Term Care Pharmacies must stay current with the latest immunization guidelines and trends, thereby maximizing the profitable reimbursement opportunities derived from dispensing and/or administering vaccinations to facilities and patients.

View this recorded webinar, led by SoftWriters' Director of Regulatory Compliance, Mark Fulton, PharmD, MBA, BCNSP, NSC-II. He discusses the prevailing state of vaccinations in 2023 and the implications of these updates on your pharmacy. Within this webinar, you'll gain insights into immunization trends, regulatory requirements affecting facilities, and a synopsis of the revenue-generating opportunities offered to your pharmacy in the context of recent regulatory modifications. This conversation will primarily revolve around updated COVID-19 boosters, Influenza immunizations, and the latest RSV recommendations proposed by the CDC.

Watch now to capitalize on these crucial updates and learn how your pharmacy can profit from the new developments impacting your customers and patients.


Empower LTC Pharmacy, Save Lives.

SoftWriters is the leading provider of healthcare software solutions to the LTC pharmacy market. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the SoftWriters team has steadily grown over the past 30 years to include both technology experts and pharmacy leaders alike. Our experienced and growing team e