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BESS manufacturing quality: Lessons learned from more than 30GWh of factory inspections

About this event

As the global demand for battery energy storage systems (BESS) rises, so does the risk for manufacturing complications. New suppliers, factories, and production line technology and workers are deployed at increasingly rapid rates – resulting in increased defects and other issues that may lead to underperformance and safety risks.

In the past 6 years, CEA has performed factory quality audits on over 30GWh of BESS projects, employing a multi-faceted approach to target these issues. Our findings at each manufacturing stage highlight common quality issues that may cause commissioning delays, excessive degradation and even thermal events and fires.

In this webinar, CEA’s BESS experts will share the most common issues that we see in the factory, their typical root causes, and what steps can be taken during the manufacturing process to prevent these issues.


For more information, please contact us at:

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    George Touloupas Senior Director, Technology and Quality @ Clean Energy Associates (CEA)

    George Touloupas has been a Senior Director in CEA since 2015, with 13+ years of experience in technical consultancy, manufacturing, project development and EPC. George is leading CEA’s technology, quality and intelligence teams for PV, energy storage and hydrogen. Prior to this, he was the COO/CTO at Philadelphia Solar, Technical Operations Director at Recom, and founder of an EPC firm in Greece.

  • Guest speaker
    Chi Zhang Senior Engineer, Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen @ Clean Energy Associates (CEA)

    Chi Zhang has been a Senior Energy Storage Engineer in CEA since 2018, with 5+ years of experience in technical consultancy, battery system design and manufacturing. Prior to CEA, he was the battery system design engineer at Shanghai Electric, manufacturing engineer at Primus Power, and Technology Integration Engineer at LP Amina.

  • Team member
    Andy Colthorpe Editor @ Solar Media /

    Editor and lead journalist for, covering the global industry for a business audience.

Solar Media

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Solar Media Ltd is a business to business media company specialising in the provision of digital news, business intelligence, print publishing and high quality events to serve the needs of the Solar, Energy Storage, Electric Vehicle and Distributed generation sectors of the Energy Industry.