SOS Intelligence invites you to their event

China - A Step Ahead in Digital Espionage

About this event

China - A Step Ahead in Digital Espionage

In the digital age, data has emerged as one of the most valuable resources, driving economies, shaping public opinion, and determining the success of nations.

Amid this reality, cybercrime has become a potent tool for state actors, with China often cited as a significant player in the realm of cyber espionage and cybercrime. This article delves into how China has allegedly used cybercrime to obtain data, the motivations behind these actions, their methods, and the implications on global geopolitics.

On this webinar we will be discussing what China have done in the past and what is currently ongoing.

This event supports the recently received SOS Intelligence Special Report:

China - A Step Ahead in Digital Espionage.


Join us on Thursday 13th June 4pm BST

Who is this for?

  • Anyone in a business or organisation who has responsibility for online security.
  • CTOs or senior managers who want to understand the relevance of nation state threatas
  • Anyone interested in global cybercrime!

What we will cover:

The Who – Those Working In The Shadows

The What & The Why – China’s Motivations For Stealing Data

The Where – Understanding Which Nations Are Targeted

The When – A Timeline of Chinese Threat Actor Activity

The How – Common TTPs Utilised By Chinese Threat Actors

Key Takeaways


Hosted by Jon Moss and SOS Intelligence Threat Analyst, Daniel Collyer.

Sign up to the webinar to receive a recording via email if you cannot attend on the day. By signing up you will also receive our newsletter for future events. You can always unsubscribe with one click.

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Hosted by

  • Team member
    DC T
    Daniel Collyer Threat Intelligence Analyst @ SOS Intelligence

  • Team member
    Jon Moss Marketing @ SOS Intelligence

SOS Intelligence

SOS Intelligence provides curated actionable multi-source Cyber Threat intelligence: Effective and affordable Cyber Threat Intelligence.