SquaredUp invites you to their event

Coffee Break: SCOM MI what's new: Log Analytics + Simplified setup

About this event

The SCOM product team have been busy making improvements to SCOM MI. Join this coffee break to get all the details, there are improvements to what is stored in log analytics to enable better dashboarding, improvements to the setup process so you can get setup in 45 mins and more!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Bruce Cullen Director of Products @ SquaredUp

    Responsible for SquaredUp Dashboard Server, SquaredUp Cloud's data sources and the Cookdown product line up, Bruce loves speaking to customers and community about their pain and how we can help. He is never happier than when he is among peers at events

  • Guest speaker
    AB G
    Aakash Basavaraj Program Manager for SCOM @ Microsoft


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