Suzy invites you to their event

Suzy Platform Trainings

About this event

Basic Platform Training: Weekly we will offer a session to join our product experts to learn Suzy's core capabilities, including a live demo and Q&A. In this session, you'll learn how to:

  • Navigate Suzy seamlessly
  • Use the Audience page to set up targeting
  • Build a survey and a monadic test
  • View, analyze, and export results

Advanced Platform Training: MaxDiff & TURF Methodologies

Elevate your research skills with our bi-weekly Advanced Platform Training, designed for users ready to dive deep into MaxDiff and TURF methodologies. Led by our product experts, this interactive session covers advanced action types, hands-on demos, and an open Q&A. Join us to master how to:

  • Harness MaxDiff and TURF for precise concept testing and attribute prioritization
  • Interpret and analyze results to uncover actionable insights and optimize decision-making

Empower your team with the skills to make data-driven decisions confidently, using Suzy’s most advanced research methodologies.

Data Explorer Training: Every other week we will also offer a session geared towards building a foundational understanding of our data analysis tool, Data Explorer. In this session you will learn:

  • The additional data analysis functionality available through Data Explorer
  • How to navigate to Data Explorer, apply and duplicate table views and export data
  • How to add rows and columns to cut your data by demographics, segments, questions and more
  • How to apply stat testing, filter data, create nets and nested data views
  • How to create and analyze configurable groups of respondents with subpopulations and derived questions

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Samantha Turner

  • Team member
    Heather Hovland


Suzy™ is an end-to-end consumer insights platform that integrates quant, qual, and high quality audiences into a single connected research cloud.

Suzy lets teams conduct iterative research, with agency-quality rigor, in hours not weeks, and at a fraction of the cost.

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