About this event
Developments in the field of precision engineering are moving fast. Engineers are challenged with increased tolerance requirements in combination with other technical difficulties, such as demanding geometric shapes and extremely smooth machined surfaces. To make matters worse, engineers need to solve these technical issues while speeding up development times and keeping costs low. EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) and PECM (Precision Electro Chemical Machining) develop at a rapid pace and can help to tackle even the most difficult precision problems.
We are here to help. At the end of this 2-hour online Masterclass "Solving Precision Problems using EDM and PECM Technologies" you understand all the unique possibilities and can use specific features to enhance your designs, keep the costs as low as possible, and speed up your development process.
You will learn:
During the Masterclass, our experts will be available for all your questions via chat.
Reserve your spot now!
Ter Hoek Precision Solutions is a precision component manufacturer for the high-tech manufacturing industry, located in the Netherlands. They specialize in EDM as well as a range of complementary processing techniques such as ultra-precise CNC milling and Precision Electro-Chemical Machining (PECM).