The Baltic Exchange invites you to their event

5th Annual Baltic ICS Lecture Series: Sanctions, Counterparty Risk and Charter Party Pitfalls


About this event

About the event

In recent months, just to add to the cumulative challenges in global shipping, geopolitical events have sent shock waves through the market. The second event of this year’s series will provide the very latest update on the continuously developing sanctions environment. Our expert legal panel will also be joined by active market participants giving their unique perspectives on managing through the turbulence and the increasingly complex basket of commercial risks with which they have to contend. 


11:00 - Introduction - Matt Gilbert, Head of Business & Partnerships, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and Crispin Eccleston, Head of Sales EMEA, Baltic Exchange

          - Setting the scene - Guy Main FICS, Senior Manager (Partner Equivalent), HFW, Session Moderator 

11:05 - Latest sanctions update - Anthony Woolich, Partner, HFW

  • Counterparty restrictions, cargo risk and measures targeted at vessels
  • Mitigating steps
  • Consequences of breach

11:20 - Tanker market update - Jake Seed MICS, Research Analyst, Galbraiths

  • Tanker market overview and sentiment in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • Impacts on the tanker market from existing and future Russian sanctions

11:35 - Perspectives from a shipowner - Capt Philip H Bacon FICS, Vice-President of Operations, Siem Shipping Ltd

  • Sanctions - pitfalls come not from what is written, but what is not - stories from the desk
  • Counterparty risk - the "six degrees of separation" theory comes to life
  • C/P pitfalls - EEXI/CII/ETS Clauses and their "so what"

Followed by Q&Ahe Baltic - ICS annual lecture series is open to all members. These sessions allow us to put forward leading speakers on industry-challenging subjects, to bring digestible insight from the top, for those working in chartering, trading, broking and others in and around commercial freight markets.

This year’s programme includes:

  • Sept: Using Carbon Markets and their impact on Freight
  • Oct: Market Information and Chartering Technology

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Guy Main Senior Manager @ HFW

    Guy handles all aspects of casualty work and specialises in disputes on quantum, with experience in damages in Admiralty claims, claims for port damage, crane and related (un)loader damage, unsafe port and related types of claims. He also advises on General Average matters as well as aspects of chartering and sale & purchase practice, procedure and disagreements.

  • Guest speaker
    Anthony Woolich Partner @ HFW

    Anthony specialises in sanctions and export control, competition law and trade regulation and was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 11th Edition of The Best LawyersTM in the UK. In 2016 he was ranked 7 in the most influential 10 lawyers in shipping worldwide by Lloyd's List. He is ranked in the major legal directories: Who's Who Legal quotes commentators referring to his "first-class know-how" in sanctions.

  • Guest speaker
    Jake Seed Research Analyst @ Galbraiths

    Jake is a graduate of Queen Mary, University of London with a BSc (Hons) in Economics. In 2015, following a stint with Cockett Marine Oil, he joined the Galbraiths, where he works on projects across a range of shipping segments. He speaks regularly at industry conferences, in particular covering the Crude & Product tanker markets. Jake is a Member of the ICS.

  • Guest speaker
    Philip Bacon Vice-President of Operations @ Siem Shipping

    Since 2014 Philip has consulted and provided expert witness through his company Icthus Marine. Following 7 years’ naval and merchant navy education in both engine and deck, he worked for shipowners in commercial management. Philip has worked with the fixing and execution of a broad variety of charter-parties and contracts of affreightment, across a spectrum of trades, vessel and cargo types.

The Baltic Exchange

The Baltic Exchange is the world's only independent source of maritime market information for the trading and settlement of physical and derivative contracts.