The Growth Company invites you to their event

Supporters’ Network Webinar: Employee Voice

About this event

To build back better on an organisational level will be to take a collaborative approach and recognise the importance of employee engagement and voice, this is especially true during challenging times. Including employees in the planning and decision-making process rather than taking a top-down approach has been cited numerous times by industry leaders as the best way forward. In this webinar our speakers, experts in employee engagement and voice from various perspectives, will explore how employers can harness the power of people within their organisation to overcome the challenges faced during this time. 

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    MB G
    Michael Brennan CEO @ Tootoot

  • Guest speaker
    TD G
    Terry Duffy Director North West @ Acas

  • Guest speaker
    JM G
    Jay McKenna Acting Regional Secretary @ TUC

  • Guest speaker
    CH G
    Carol Halford Technical Manager, Good Employment Charter @ The Growth Company

  • Guest speaker
    AS G
    Anusree Saha-Williams Engagement Manager @ Bruntwood

The Growth Company

Dedicated to economic growth, employment & skills

The Growth Company drives forward business, economic, personal and professional development within communities by boosting employment, skills, investment and enterprise for the benefit of all.