Treasury Dragons invites you to their event

Masterclass- FX Risk Management

About this event

A failure to hedge foreign exchange (FX) risk effectively can significantly impact a company’s profit margins, so it's no surprise that FX remains the top risk concern for corporate treasurers, according to PwC's 2023 Global Treasury Survey. Yet developing the right structures, policies and platforms to manage FX effectively can be a challenge for even the most experienced teams.

The Treasury Dragons are here to help.

This MASTERCLASS session covers the essentials of risk management with a panel of experts, including Chris King of consultancy Dukes & King, Seth Phillips of FX platform Bound and Donat Galeev, head of treasury at ID Finance, who brings direct experience of managing FX risk in a challenging environment.

Between them, they will cover:

  • The essentials of an FX risk management strategy
  • How technology can support effective hedging
  • Real-life lessons from a treasury team
  • A five-step plan to asses and improve FX risk management in your business

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    CK G
    Chris King Co-Founder @ Dukes & King

  • Guest speaker
    Seth Phillips CEO @ Bound

    Seth is the CEO of Bound (, a company that provides modern currency hedging technology that is a hassle-free, transparent and cost effective alternative to traditional FX brokers and banks. Seth has spent his career in B2B venture-backed startups as a founder, a product manager and in sales. He sold his first company while completing his undergraduate degree and sold his second B2B tech company 4 years later. After completing his Master’s degree at Columbia University in New York City, Seth spent time at a fintech-focused VC fund and later joined Paxos. He helped grow Paxos from Series A through to Series D before starting Bound.

  • Guest speaker
    Donat Galeev Head of Treasury @ ID Finance

    Donat became treasurer at ID Finance in 2020, having joined ID Finance as an intern, combining the internship with a sports career as a top-level water polo player. The Treasury team is one of the driving forces behind the Finance division at ID Finance, responsible for ensuring the effective achievement of the company’s short- and medium-term financial objectives. Its primary focus lies on all the controllable factors related to cash, including controlling and mitigating foreign exchange risk.

  • Team member
    Mike Hewitt Moderator @ Treasury Dragons

    How do you decide what’s the best treasury technology solution for you? To answer that question, we’ve assembled a panel of experienced corporate treasurers and technology experts – the Treasury Dragons – to ask the right questions on your behalf.

Treasury Dragons

Technology on trial

We’ve assembled a panel of experienced corporate treasurers and technology experts – the Treasury Dragons – to ask technology vendors the right questions on your behalf.