U.S. Botanic Garden invites you to their event

Winter Wreath Refresh (Online Demo)

Friday, January 21st 2022 - 5:00 PM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

Join Arrin to learn how to give your wreath a refresh for the new year. During this online demonstration, Arrin will discuss material selection, wiring techniques, and layering strategies for successful, long-lasting wreaths. With a little care, your winter wreath can last you through spring!

If you're interested in supporting educational programs through a donation to the Friends of the U.S. Botanic Garden, click here.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Grace Anderson (she/her) Education Specialist - Science Educator @ United States Botanic Garden

  • Team member
    Elizabeth Barton (she/her) Volunteer Coordinator & Education Specialist @ U.S. Botanic Garden

  • Guest speaker
    Arrin Sutliff Tint Floral

    Arrin Sutliff creates site-specific, and time based work using plants, flowers, and digital media. Based in DC, Arrin is the owner of Tint Floral, which focuses on design for weddings and events. Informed by the season, she relies on local growers and nurseries for blooms and foliage.

  • Guest speaker
    AS G
    Arrin Second Screen

U.S. Botanic Garden

The U.S. Botanic Garden inspires people to appreciate, study, and conserve plants to enrich society locally and globally.