UL Solutions invites you to their event

ANCAMINE ® 2836: The new building block and EH&S friendly multifunctional Mannich base

About this event

Presented by Evonik: Join Evonik's webinar on ANCAMINE® 2836 with coatings expert Katharina Karns. Learn its benefits: eco-friendly, excellent performance. Register now!

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    KK G
    Katharina Karns

  • Guest speaker
    CC G
    Christina Cron

  • Guest speaker
    VW G
    Verena Weigandt

  • Guest speaker
    SK G
    Steffen Kanzler

  • Team member
    Derek Boettcher Associate Video Editor and Webinar Specialist @ UL Solutions

    I have a decades worth of experience shooting and editing the video medium with a plethora of experience in corporate marketing/video, as well as extensive knowledge on creating fiction and nonfiction storytelling using video.

UL Solutions

UL, LLC is a global safety certification company headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois.