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All About Feed Efficiency - How to get a feed-efficient herd
Circa 45 minuti
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Australian Sire Summary - April 2023
Circa 1 ora
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Australian Sire Summary - April 2024
Circa 1 ora
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Australian Sire Summary - August 2023
Circa 1 ora
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Betriebsanalysen für Ihren Milchviehbetrieb
Circa 45 minuti
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Eurogene Ireland Webinar: Grazing Genetics - The Red Revolution
Circa 1 ora
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Gesextes Sperma für eine rentable und nachhaltige Herde
Circa 45 minuti
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Grazing Genetics - The Red Revolution
Circa 1 ora
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Is breeding for Type Merit the future for Jersey Genetics?
Circa 45 minuti
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Lactation persistency: manage your dairy herd more efficiently
Circa 45 minuti
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Eventi passati
AUSTRALIA: Black Friday LIVE - Sire Frenzy
circa un anno fa
Circa 1 ora
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AUSTRALIA: Black Friday LIVE - Sire Frenzy
circa 2 anni fa
Circa 1 ora
In inglese