Visme invites you to their event

[LIVE WEBINAR] The Evolution of Marketing Tools: Democratization of Graphic Design

About this event

With the increasing democratization of technology, tasks that had previously been heavily gate-kept due to their complexity or required skill level - such as graphic design - are now easily accessible to all via various user-friendly apps and programs. Join Visme and special guest, Sortlist, the matchmaking platform that connects companies with marketing and creative agencies, for a live event where we’ll explore this evolution.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Payman Taei Founder @ Visme

    Founder of Visme, and HindSite Interactive. UI/UX designer.

  • Guest speaker
    Jorge Dajer Content Partnerships Manager @ Sortlist

    Jorge is a communications & marketing specialist, with experience in content management, PR, and link building. He comes from the Dominican Republic, and he's worked in numerous companies worldwide including Marriott International, Apple Education, and the American Chamber of Commerce.


Speak Loudly. Speak Visually.

Visme is a simple yet powerful, all-in-one visual communication tool that allows you to create interactive presentations, infographics, visual reports, printables, etc, via an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop online platform.