The Study Abroad Portal invites you to their event

Drafting the strategy for a sustainable business: the theory of change with EADA Business School Barcelona

About this event

The Master in Sustainable Business and Innovation is a truly unique, holistically driven program offering a different business paradigm for today's young professionals. Our unique methodology ensures that you will develop the critical and design thinking skills to analyse, perform and inspire in an ever increasingly volatile, uncertain, and complex business environment. However, we go one step further. While hard skills may be enough to get your foot in the door, the soft skills obtained in communication, negotiation, teamwork, and leadership are what will lift you in developing a world-class career in a company, organization, or even your own business.

The Master in Sustainable Business and Innovation is targeted towards students from diverse backgrounds, both cultural and academic, who aim to develop their career and skills in helping businesses and organizations to solve urgent and emerging environmental, economic, societal, and welfare global challenges.

Join the webinar to find out more!

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    MA G
    Mar/ Zanetta Admissions Team

  • Guest speaker
    MS G
    Marleen Swart

  • Guest speaker
    MR G
    Mar Rovira

  • Guest speaker
    FM G
    Federica Massa Saluzzo EADA

  • Guest speaker
    ZZ G
    Zannetta Zannettou

  • Team member
    The StudyAbroadPortal Production @ TheStudyAbroadPortal

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