The Study Abroad Portal invites you to their event

Get ready to become tomorrows energy specialist with the European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (2023/24)

About this event

Studying the European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management will provide you with the skills required for employment in the Sustainable Energy industry. It provides management and communication skills, as well as the necessary technical knowledge to tackle the challenge of the energy system transition. You will specialise in business case analysis, modelling, project design and implementation. As a result of the foreign contact the course requires -your fellow students will come from all over the world- you will acquire the international outlook essential to the industry HR needs: SESyM is a great multicultural programme!

The course is structured in three sections, guaranteeing you to spend time in at least two different EU countries and make contact with a wide range of European institutes and companies involved in the sustainable energy sector. The participating universities are recognised at an international level for their work in the field of sustainable energy system management.

All our classes are taught in English. if you have a Bachelor in Economics, environmental sciences/engineering, social sciences, political sciences, international business, managerial engineering, architecture, energy management or ICT, you are welcome to apply to SESyM!

Join our webinar on 14/2 to learn more on the structure and objectives of the programme and meet the manager and professors!

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    NR G
    Nathalie Richet EUREC

  • Guest speaker
    CV G
    Corina Vogt

  • Guest speaker
    JV G
    Jurgen Van Ryckeghem

  • Team member
    The StudyAbroadPortal Production @ TheStudyAbroadPortal

The Study Abroad Portal

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