The Study Abroad Portal invites you to their event

Webinar VU Amsterdam – Housing search in Amsterdam: what to expect

About this event

VU Amsterdam offers only housing for your first year, even in 2- or 3-year study programmes. You need to find accommodation by yourself after the first academic year. Next to this, there are still plenty of second and third year students who need to find a place to stay.

The housing market in the Netherlands is extremely tense, especially in Amsterdam. Many Dutch and international students are searching for student rooms.

For this reason VU Amsterdam will organize an informative webinar where you will learn what to do, and what not to do, during your housing search on the private market.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    The StudyAbroadPortal Production @ TheStudyAbroadPortal

  • Guest speaker
    VM G
    Vincent Mesrine USR

  • Guest speaker
    MS G
    Maja Strojewska Student

  • Guest speaker
    DE G
    Dafna Eccles Woon

  • Guest speaker
    CS G
    Clair Streckfuss VU Amsterdam

  • Guest speaker
    Henny Smit VU Amsterdam

  • Guest speaker
    MZ G
    Michelle Zumbrink VU Amsterdam

  • Guest speaker
    Amber Bonsee VU Amsterdam

  • Guest speaker
    RZ G
    Rakel Zetterlund

  • Guest speaker
    JB G
    Jon Buijs Woon

  • Guest speaker
    MC G
    Maria Caridad Student

  • Guest speaker
    JV G
    Joep Van Dijk USR

  • Guest speaker
    Rosa Westerhof VU Amsterdam

  • Guest speaker
    A.L. Nothacker

The Study Abroad Portal

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We are leaders in International Student Recruitment and help connect students worldwide with Universities that fit them, through interactive and engaging Webinars4you!