Wenabi invites you to their event

How to find volunteers with the wenabi platform-APAC

About this event

wenabi is eager to meet you in a quick online demo session held on Tuesdays at 15.15.40am (Sydney time).

During the demo, you will be shown how to best use our platform and address any doubt you might have directly to our Associative Community team!

What will we go over?

What is wenabi?

Which firms choose to work with us?

Which initiatives collect the most success on our platform?

Dedicated focus on how to build and manage your profile on our platform.

How to easily get in contact with interested firms

We can't wait to meet you!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    L'équipe Wenabi Wenabi


Le trait d'union solidaire

Wenabi est la plateforme qui permet aux entreprises de mobiliser leurs salariés auprès d'associations. Mécénat de compétences, bénévolat, teambuildings, dons : tous les formats d'engagement disponibles sur une seule et même plateforme. Plus de 1500 associations vous attendent !