ALSO Group invites you to their event

8. EARL – advanced

About this event

#8 - EARL – advanced


EARL is a rule engine that enables you to manipulate over your IoT data using our graphical interface (GUI). Behind that is a powerful custom code editor where you can perform mathematical (+, -, etc.), logical (>, <, etc.) and another powerful operations and decide what will be the actionable output (e.g. change the CO2 label to RED if the value is over 1000 ppm).


· Insight into the rules

· Show the code behind a new rule being created over GUI

· Demonstrate the stacked rule (traffic light)

· Demonstrate rule by creating a custom code

· Demonstrate counter and timer

Required Background Knowledge

· Familiar with EARL Introduction

· Followed #2 - Introduction to the ALSO IoT platform

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    CHRONOS vl. Predavec Customer Project Lead