Front Line Genomics invites you to their event

Gene Editing From Research to Practice: Webinar 1 - The Expansion of The Gene Editing Toolbox

About this event

The development of new gene editing technologies has undoubtedly boomed in recent years. This has resulted in a reduction in off-target effects, and ultimately means that the promise of gene editing techniques being translated into the clinic more frequently, is on the horizon.

Join us for our latest webinar series: Gene Editing from Research to Practice as we uncover the latest technological advances that are expanding the gene-editing toolbox. Furthermore, this series will show how the improved accuracy of gene editing techniques could result in a healthcare paradigm shift in which more gene therapies enter the clinic.

Register now to join the series live, with 8 expert talks and extended live Q&A with the speakers.

By registering to this series, you will:

  • Explore cutting-edge technologies: Including CRISPR-Cas systems, base editing, and prime editing.
  • Discover the strengths and promise of gene editing in the clinic, and what the future looks like going forward
  • Deep dive into case studies showcasing the utility of these technologies in research and practice.

Webinar 1: The Expanding Gene Editing Toolbox

Thursday 30th November at 3pm GMT, 4pm CET, 10am EST

The gene-editing toolbox has been diversifying. CRISPR-Cas9 is a well-known and well-established gene editing technique. However, we have recently seen the deployment of a diverse set of Cas proteins, each with unique properties and applications.

In this webinar, we will discuss advances in gene editing systems. We will highlight their applications, their benefits, and unveil the future of gene editing technologies, both from a technological standpoint, and in relation to future therapeutics.

Talk 1: Precise Transcript Targeting by CRISPR-Csm Complexes

David Colognori, Post-Doctoral Associate, Doudna Lab, UC Berkeley

Talk 2: PRCISR CRISPR: Vivlion’s CRISPR enabled PCR-free discovery platform

Martin Wegner, Head of R&D, Vivlion GmbH

Talk 3: Precise and Versatile Genome Engineering with Prime Editing

Andrew Anzalone, Head of the Prime Editing Platform and Scientific Co-Founder, Prime Medicine

Webinar 2: Recent Advances in Editing & Delivery Systems

Thursday 7th December at 3pm GMT, 4pm CET, 10am EST

In this webinar we will be moving beyond the famous CRISPR-Cas9 system to highlight advances in gene editing technologies and delivery systems that have the potential to revolutionise gene therapies.

Talk 1: Click-to Install Genome Editing Using DNA Polymerases

Joana Ferriera da Silva, Postdoctoral Fellow, Kleinstiver Lab, Mass General Hospital

Talk 2: Prime Editing to Correct Genetic Diseases

Kelly Godbout, PhD Student in Molecular Medicine, Quebec-University Laval

Webinar 3: Gene editing: A bright future in the clinic

Thursday 14th December at 3pm GMT, 4pm CET, 10am EST

With the increased accuracy of gene editing technologies, there are high hopes for its therapeutic potential and applicability in precision medicine.

This webinar will discuss the translation of the latest gene editing technologies into the clinic, and how this opens new avenues for single-dose curative treatments.

Talk 1: Advances in somatic in vivo gene editing for human gene therapy

Krishanu Saha, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Talk 2: Advances in in vivo gene editing systems – from research to the clinic

Kiran Musunuru, Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine

Talk 3: Base editing rescue of spinal muscular atrophy in cells and mice

Mandana Arbab, Lodish Family investigator and faculty member of the Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    AA G
    Andrew Anzalone

  • Guest speaker
    MW G
    Martin Wegner Head of R&D and Customer Solutions @ Vivlion

  • Team member
    DG T
    Diana Georgi Front Line Genomics

Front Line Genomics

Delivering the Benefits of Genomics to Patients Faster

Front Line Genomics is a genomics-focused media company, with a social mission to deliver the benefits of genomics to patients faster. We organise the Festival of Genomics, digital events and webinars. We also produce reports and operate a content-rich website.