iov42 Interu invites you to their event

Practical steps to engage suppliers for EUDR compliance: Featuring Soil Association

About this event

Whilst those needing to comply with EU Deforestation Regulation have been given a one year phasing-in period to be fully compliant, it is still crucial that EU Operators look to introduce traceability as soon as possible to prepare, improve and use as their competitive differentiator.

In this webinar, our guest speaker, Maggie FitzHerbert, from Soil Association will be sharing practical steps on how to engage suppliers and finalise preparations for EUDR. This includes talking through some of the latest FAQs released from the EU.

We will also cover the latest on the EU Traces system - what it can and cannot do, and how you can seamlessly connect to it from Interu, iov42's leading traceability platform.

As mentioned in the official update "The Information System where businesses will register their due diligence statements is ready to start accepting registrations in early November and for full operation in December. Operators and traders will be able to register and submit due diligence statements even before the law's entry into application." - so getting ahead vs waiting a year to be fully compliant is still very much recommended.

iov42 Interu

Built on iov42's groundbreaking technology, Interu is a traceability solution that puts integrity, accountability and authenticity at your company’s core.

With global challenges like climate change, geopolitical disruption and human rights abuses, traceability is no longer optional.