COMET invites you to their event

[COMET PDS] 5G signals for positioning


About this event

COMET PDS ( and ENAC ( invite you to this virtual event on "5G Signals For Positioning".

The 25th of February, Anne-Marie TOBIE will defend her doctoral thesis "GNSS 5G Hybridization for Urban Positioning" funded by Thales Alenia Space and CNES, and supervised by ENAC. We are using this opportunity to propose you the rebroadcasting of her defense the day after and 3 members of her jury will present their work, with a slot for each of them to ask live questions.


8:45 am to 8:55 am : Introduction

8:55am to 10:00am: Anne Marie TOBIE, Thales Alenia Space France

Title of the presentation: PhD Defense Rebroadcasting “GNSS 5G Hybridization for 5G urban positioning”
Abstract: Over the past few years, the need for positioning in constraint environments has been in constant growth. In order to improve the positioning availability and GNSS positioning performance in those environments, the use of Signal of Opportunity (SoO) is naturally envisioned. 5G is a highly promising emerging technology that could be used as a SoO. In order to study the potential capabilities provided by 5G systems and to develop a 5G based generic positioning module scheme, a first step has been to develop mathematical models of the processed 5G signals at each stage of the receiver for realistic propagation channel models.

10:00 am to 10:25 am: Gonzalo SECO GRANADOS, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

Title of the presentation: Evolution of the standards and simulation models towards 5G positioning
Abstract: We will review the evolution of the positioning functionality along the different generations of cellular standards, showing an acceleration in the last years thanks to the appearance of both technological enablers and new positioning use cases. The status of 5G positioning in the last 3GPP release will be presented together with the performance gaps that justify the need of future research. The assessment of the performance achievable with current or ongoing version of the cellular systems requires extensive simulations since the deployment of the system lags behind its design. Simulation approaches with reasonable balance between complexity and realism will be discussed.

10:25 am to 11:10 am: Henk WYMEERSCH, Chalmers University of Technology

Title of the presentation: Localization and sensing in 5G and Beyond: enablers, methodologies, and challenges
Abstract: As communication systems move to higher frequencies and start harnessing technologies such as meta-surfaces, the relation between positioning, sensing, and communication become tighter than ever. In this talk, we will cover some of the main technological enablers for 5G and Beyond 5G localization, and propose an algorithmic framework for localization and mapping. Finally, a variety challenges will be highlighted, which we must account for when designing radio localization systems.

11:10 am to 11:55 am: Liang CHEN, Wuhan University

Title of the presentation : Indoor Positioning with 5G NR Signals
Abstract: Indoor positioning is one of the core technologies of internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI). However, affected by the complexity of indoor spaces, it is still challenging to achieve continuous and reliable  solutions for indoor positioning. Currently, with the 5G networks deployed worldwide, it has been recognized that the new technologies developed for 5G wireless communications will also benefit the performance of wireless positioning.  In this talk, we will investigate the method for indoor positioning with 5G new radio signals (NR),  and present a solution based on a software defined receiver  (SDR) developed for indoor positioning. To verify the feasibility of the method, indoor field tests are carried out in an office area, where a  5G NR base station is deployed for commercial use. Some of the challenges and the difficulties in the indoor positioning with 5G NR will also be discussed in the talk.

11:55 am to 12:05 pm: Conclusion

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