RevenueCat invites you to their event

How to win back lost customers: Proven strategies for re-engagement

About this event

What are you doing to re-engage churned users? If you're like many apps, probably not a whole lot. Join our webinar to discover effective win-back strategies that can help you recover lost revenue. We'll delve into the tactics that have turned lost customers into loyal subscribers for top apps. Whether you’re new to win-back campaigns, have limited experience, or just want a refresher, this session will provide actionable insights and real-world examples to enhance your approach.

What we’ll discuss:

  • Understanding win-back campaigns and their importance.
  • Identifying why users churn and addressing their reasons for leaving.
  • Crafting personalized offers and targeted messaging.
  • Leveraging multiple channels: email, push notifications, in-app messages, and more.
  • Optimizing web flows for seamless re-subscription.
  • Designing effective cancellation flows to prevent churn before it happens.
  • Real-life success stories and lessons learned.


Date: 14th August

Time: 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 6pm CEST

Duration: 1 hour

About the speakers:

Hannah Parvaz: Founder of Aperture, Hannah is a multi-award-winning marketer, coach, and mentor. Named App Marketer of the Year in 2019, she has extensive experience in app growth, privacy, and data analytics.

Steve P. Young: Founder and CEO of App Masters, an app marketing agency that helps grow apps faster, better, and cheaper. Steve’s also a speaker and host of the #1 app marketing YouTube channel (with over 50K+ subscribers).

David Barnard: David has been working on apps since the very beginning, founding his company, Contrast, in 2008. After launching 20+ apps, and selling 3 of them, David now works as Growth Advocate at RevenueCat, helping developers build, analyze, and grow their subscription app businesses.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Hannah Parvaz Founder @ Aperture

    Founder of Aperture, Hannah is a multi-award-winning marketer, coach, and mentor. Named App Marketer of the Year in 2019, she has extensive experience in app growth, privacy, and data analytics.

  • Team member
    David Barnard Growth Advocate @ RevenueCat

    David has been working on apps since the very beginning, founding his company, Contrast, in 2008. After launching 20+ apps, and selling 3 of them, David now works as Growth Advocate at RevenueCat, helping developers build, analyze, and grow their subscription app businesses.

  • Guest speaker
    Steve Young Founder and CEO @ App Masters

    Founder and CEO of App Masters, an app marketing agency that helps grow apps faster, better, and cheaper. Steve’s also a speaker and host of the #1 app marketing YouTube channel (with over 50K+ subscribers).


In-App Subscriptions Made Easy

RevenueCat makes it easy to build, analyze, and grow in-app purchases and subscriptions on iOS, Android, and the web – no server code required.