RevenueCat invites you to their event

Roast My Paywall: Live! — Episode 3: New Year, New Paywall

About this event

Your new year's resolution: get your paywall shipshape.

The new year often means a surge in downloads and subscribers for a bunch of different categories, from fitness to productivity. Capitalize on this opportunity and ensure that your paywall is not just good, but great. 

Roast My Paywall: Live! is back for its first edition of the new year to help your paywall hit the gym. Our expert panel will live-critique paywalls submitted by you — a rare opportunity for instant feedback. 

Hosted by David Barnard, on our panel will be: 

  • Jacob Eiting. Jacob is RevenueCat's CEO and co-founder. He promises to focus heavily on the "roasting" part.
  • Jake Mor. Jake's the co-founder and CEO of Superwall, a tool for building and optimizing paywalls without shipping updates. Not only does Jake bring deep paywall expertise, Jake founded the fitness app FitnessAI, growing it to be among the top 50 grossing health and fitness apps in the US, surpassing $2 million in revenue.

How to submit your paywall:

  • Join the Sub Club community: Access the Roast My Paywall channel. Note: If you're not yet a member, you will need to register. Once your invitation has been accepted, you'll be able to post in the channel.
  • Follow the pinned template: We've pinned a submission template in the channel for your convenience. This will guide you in providing all the necessary details about your paywall.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    David Barnard Growth Advocate @ RevenueCat

    David has been working on apps since the very beginning, founding his company, Contrast, in 2008. After launching 20+ apps, and selling 3 of them, David now works as Growth Advocate at RevenueCat, helping developers build, analyze, and grow their subscription app businesses.

  • Guest speaker
    Jacob Eiting CEO @ RevenueCat

    After adding subscriptions to the Elevate app, Jacob founded RevenueCat so that other developers didn’t have to go through that same pain just to monetize their app.

  • Guest speaker
    Jake Mor Co-founder & CEO @ Superwall

    Jake is the Co-founder and CEO of Superwall — an iOS SDK that enables you to remotely update and test every aspect of your paywall. Prior to founding Superwall, Jake created an app called FitnessAI and scaled it to over $2.5M in ARR.


In-App Subscriptions Made Easy

RevenueCat makes it easy to build, analyze, and grow in-app purchases and subscriptions on iOS, Android, and the web – no server code required.